[kdd] Welcome to the IVOA Interest Group in Knowledge Discovery in Databases!

Nick Ball nick.ball at nrc-cnrc.gc.ca
Wed Aug 4 19:02:09 PDT 2010

A first draft table of contents for the guide is now up at http://www.ivoa.net/cgi-bin/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/IvoaKDDguide .

(There was a conference here last week, hence the delay.)


On 2010-07-15, at 6:03 PM, Nick Ball wrote:

> Sounds good. I plan to put up a front page for point (4), the guide, shortly.
> Nick
> On 2010-07-14, at 1:38 PM, Raffaele D'Abrusco wrote:
>> From Giuseppe Longo:
>> Dear Colleagues
>> I am writing to inform you that Raffaele and Omar have activated the IVOA
>> WIKI pages for the Interest Group in Knowledge Discovery in Databases
>> (KDD). You can find this page at the following address:
>> http://www.ivoa.net/cgi-bin/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/IvoaKDD
>> The first activities will proceed according to what was decided during
>> the last Interop meeting in Victoria.
>> I also wish to remind all of you that Raffaele D'Abrusco (CfA-USA) has
>> volunteered to act as secretary of the IG. I do thank him for his help.
>> Let me shortly summarize the main task we should pursue:
>> 1. Build a vocabulary of the main terminology used in DM (Data Mining) and
>> KDD (R. D'Abrusco). This is crucial in order to have a common platform on
>> which to build the future collaborations;
>> 2. Start a census of DM and ML (Machine Learning) tools and methods of
>> astronomical interest (all);
>> 3. Begin to define a group of template datasets to be used for
>> benchmarking of algorithms (C. Donalek, Caltech-USA)
>> 4. Begin to write a short and user friendly guide for data mining in
>> astronomy (N. Ball, G. Longo and whoever wishes to contribute).
>> 5. Start the discussion on how the various DM tasks correlate with
>> existing VO standards and eventually propose to the new community new
>> ones.
>> Obviously this is only the beginning of the story. Everyone who wants to
>> contribute or suggest topics and/or actions is encouraged to do so. For
>> the success of this IG it will be crucial to have contributions from
>> everyone of us.
>> Some of you have never participated in the IVOA activities. I hope that
>> this IG-KDD will also serve to attract new ideas and fresh blood to our
>> community.
>> Wishing to all of us good work, I remain
>> Most sincerely yours
>> Giuseppe Longo
>> (Chair)
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>> kdd mailing list
>> kdd at ivoa.cacr.caltech.edu
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> --
> Nick Ball
> Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics
> 5071 West Saanich Road
> Victoria, BC  V9E 2E7
> Canada

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