Upgrade of the GitHub CI for PDF preview
Grégory Mantelet
gregory.mantelet at astro.unistra.fr
Thu Nov 28 14:41:53 CET 2024
Dear IVOA document editors,
This email concerns only people in charge of an ivoa-std repository on
*Whether a PDF preview is automatically generated in your GitHub
repository, or whether you want to set it up, this email is for you.
We encourage you to update your CI configuration thanks to the last
version of the ivoatex's Makefile.
This update includes the following fixes:
* Upgrade the following GitHub actions:
o actions/checkout (to checkout the Git repository in the CI
o actions/upload-artifact (to keep the artifact - the PDF preview
- on GitHub for some time)
* Rebuild the steps generating the PDF preview (using simple standard
GitHub CLI commands instead of unofficial and deprecated GitHub actions)
* Resolution of the duplicated Draft Releases
o Problem: each time the CI ran, the former Pre-Release hosting
the PDF preview was transformed into a Draft while another
Pre-Release with the same name is created. Then, all former
Pre-Releases stay available on the GitHub repository as Drafts
instead of being removed ; this generated quickly a lot of
o Resolved thanks to the full rebuild of the PDF preview generation
* Add 2 targets in the Makefile:
o clear-ci : remove the two GitHub workflows (build and PDF
preview only)
o update-ci: remove existing GitHub workflows and create them
again with the template workflows available in ivoatex ; this
command is exactly the same as running `make clear-ci
* Update the explanations when configuring the Build workflow
* Update the dependencies installation (e.g. pdftk seems now to be
available in APT instead of using snap)
Now, here are the instructions to update your workflows:
1. Update the submodule ivoatex:
cd ivoatex/
git checkout master
git pull
cd ..
git add ivoatex/
git commit -m "Update ivoatex"
2. Ensure DOCNAME is set in your repository's Makefile
3. Run the Makefile target update-ci:
make update-ci
4. Commit the updated CI
git add .github/workflows/build.yml .github/workflows/preview.yml
git commit -m "Update CI for build and PDF preview"
5. Push all these modifications
git push
6. [Optional] On the Releases page of your GitHub repositories,
manually remove all (and there may be a lot...sorry) Draft releases
(but not the Pre-Release otherwise you will loose your PDF preview)
named|Auto PDF Preview|(they are the unfortunate result of an issue
with the former CI workflow). Thanks to the updated CI, there should
be only one|Auto PDF Preview|Pre-Release (and no more Draft with the
same name) from now on.
If you have any question, concern, comment or suggestion of improvement,
do not hesitate to contact me (gregory.mantelet at astro.unistra.fr) or
publish a GitHub issue in ivoa-std/ivoatex repository
Grégory M.
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