Call for contributions to the Registry session at the Nov 2023 IVOA Interop Meeting in Tucson, Arizona

Renaud Savalle renaud.savalle at
Mon Oct 16 12:27:45 CEST 2023

Dear Registry WG members and Registry users, dear IVOA,

The upcoming IVOA Interoperability meeting [1] [2] will host a Registry 
Working Group session on Saturday November 11, 2023 2pm-3:30pm (Tucson) 
at Steward Observatory in room N210. Online attendance will be possible 
with Zoom.

We are planning a thematic session about “Python as a registry client 
for the end users”. Further details will be announced here soon, along 
with an online document to submit use-cases that will be discussed 
during the session.

We'll also have time for a few talks about other registry topics [3]. 
Please let us know if you are interested to contribute as a speaker.

Hope to see you soon in Tucson !

Best Regards,

Renaud Savalle <renaud.savalle at> and Tess Jaffe 
<tess.jaffe at>, chairs of the IVOA Registry WG

1. Meeting web page and registration info:
2. Meeting Program:
3. Registry WG Roadmap:

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