MIVOT RFC thread follow-up

Laurent Michel laurent.michel at astro.unistra.fr
Thu Mar 30 18:29:39 CEST 2023

Dear VO

There has been much discussion about the MIVOT validation during the RFC period.
These discussions started on the DM list, as usual, before migrating toward the TCG list before becoming mostly private.
I apologize to the interested people who could not follow the threads because of this.
To try to make up for this I have written this summary of the situation 5 weeks before Interop so that interested folks can follow the MIVOT session in Bologna (DM I).

There are currently 2 groups apart of DM (Apps and Semantic) and 5 IGs that have not voted although the RFC period has been open in last September

I’m going  to list here the points which were open as well as the answers which were brought there. 
- I encourage the chairs to correct me if I'm wrong.
- This message is sent to ivoa at net because several groups are mentioned.

For newcomers:
MIVOT is a standard that defines an XML syntax to link VOTable data to one or more models. 
MIVOT is designed so that the XML elements mapping data onto models are grouped in a block isolated from the rest of the VOTable. 
The purpose of MIVOT is to tell how form such blocks. 
MIVOT as such does not carry any semantic.

Ops IG (voted)
Group suggestion:
- [DONE] put in the document a complete annotated VOTABLE to which links in the text will point.

Registry WG (voted)
Group requests:
- [DONE] add a section about how to declare services producing MIVOT annotations in the registry
- [PR]   clarify the role of some snippets given in the document
- [WIP]  produce a reader's guide to the different reference implementations proposed

Apps (Not voted)
Apps is certainly, apart from DM, the group most concerned by this standard.
Group requests:
- [DONE]   clarify how NULL values are handled
- [WIP]    produce a reader's guide to the different reference implementations proposed
- [WIP](*) give the possibility to members of the group to propose use cases other than those implemented in our examples.

(*) We keep a slot at Interop for this purpose in case nobody answers before (this is a call for contribution).

Semantic  (Not voted)
Although this standard is not connected with the semantic activities, this is where we had the most of requests.
Group requests:
- [DONE]    Numerous corrections and clarifications of the text
- [WIP]     produce a reader's guide to the different reference implementations proposed
- [WIP](*)  Improve the visibility of resources related to model standards on ivoadoc
- [PR]      add an appendix telling where to find VODML resources and ho to interpret them in regard with the MIVOT syntax
- [DONE]    Provide an advanced validator able to check that the structure of mapped models is well respected
- [DONE](**)Provide a VOTable containing real GAIA data and a mapping block grouping position, pm, parallax and radial velocity.
- [DONE](**)Provide a VOTable containing real GAIA data and a mapping block giving a complete definition of the photometric data

(*) in progress in relation with the document coordinator
(**) Since MIVOT has no semantic out of that of the mapped models, the request answers assume the use of MANGO DM that is barely a draft.

MIVOT on Github.  https://github.com/ivoa-std/ModelInstanceInVot
RFC page.         https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/DataAnnotation



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