IVOA Northern Spring 2023 Interoperability Meeting - 2nd announcement

Molinaro, Marco marco.molinaro at inaf.it
Mon Mar 20 13:00:00 CET 2023

Dear VO community,

This is the second announcement for the
    *IVOA Northern Spring 2023 Interoperability Meeting*
that will take place in
    *Bologna (Italy)* the week of *May 8-12 2023*.

  *Meeting website: https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-may-2023

We remind you that the IVOA Interop is planned as an in-person event with
hybrid participation available.
The *registration is OPEN* and *will close on April 21st 2023*.

  *Registration (direct link):

The *Programme page is available at
<https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2023>* and (while
still in draft form) provides details on the various Working Group,
Interest Group, joint, and plenary sessions (potentially subject to some
re-ordering of the sessions).

** *Few Highlights* **
*o* *Science Platforms* (2 plenaries) - exploring the current initiatives
at various Data Centers, and discussing what the IVOA can do to make them
*o* *Digital Object Identifiers* (DOIs) in Open Science (1 plenary) -
explore all aspects of producing and utilizing DOIs as we strive for
interoperability and Open Science goals.
*o* *Newcomers session* - Aiming at newcomers to the VO, we will present a
science use case using several VO-standards and protocols. We will also
present the history of the IVOA and a roadmap of “How we got to where we
are”. We hope this session will help newcomers understand the structure of
the IVOA, our history, and how InterOp meetings are organized in order to
get the most out of it.  A lunch time drop-in Q&A room will also be offered.

If you haven't already done so, please register for the event. We encourage
you to attend in person!
Please plan your travel as soon as possible. There are several other events
going on in Bologna and accommodations are already quite full.

Refer to the meeting's web page for details and information, and don't
hesitate to contact us should you need further details or help.

Looking forward to your attendance and an engaging Interop in May!

Best Regards
    IVOA Bologna 2023 LOC
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