EAS 2023 Special Session SS4: Science with the Virtual Observatory: status, success cases, the future

Enrique Solano Marquez esm at cab.inta-csic.es
Thu Feb 2 09:39:50 CET 2023

Dear colleagues,

This year's European Astronomical Society annual meeting (EAS 2023,
https://eas.unige.ch/EAS_meeting/program.jsp) will be held on the
10th-14th July 2023 in Kraków, Poland. On Wednesday 12th we will be
hosting a special session entitled: "Science with the Virtual
Observatory: status, success cases, the future"

Virtual Observatory (VO) is a well known and firmly established global
collaboration, with demonstrated capacity to provide smooth access to
astronomical data, theoretical models, simulations and analysis tools.
All these immense resources of different kind can interactively operate
thanks to complete and flexible standards, which are continuously
revised. This Special Session will a forum where the most successful use
cases of VO may be shared, and also a site where the major challenges
for the coming years may be identified.

Among the questions that will be addressed:

  * Current status and capabilities of VO
  * Training, tutorials and schools
  * Publishing your data in VO
  * Science cases using VO: covering all electromagnetic windows
  * Science cases using VO: time domain
  * Science cases using VO: multimessenger astronomy
  * Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and VO

We invite applications for talks and scientific posters that fall into
these categories. The deadline for abstract submission is 01/03/22.

Registration is open now with the deadline for regular registration of
the 09/07/23, there are also discounted very early bird (26/02/23) and
early bird (30/04/23) registrations available. The deadline for the fee
waivers and/or grants requests for attending the conference is the same
as for abstract submission, 01/03/23.

More information can be found on the session's webpage:


Best regards,
The SOC of SS4

Enrique Solano
Spanish Virtual Observatory
Centro de Astrobiología (INTA-CSIC)
Camino Bajo del Castillo s/n
28692 Villanueva de la Cañada
Madrid, Spain

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