IVOA Northern Spring 2023 Interoperability Meeting - 3rd announcement

Molinaro, Marco marco.molinaro at inaf.it
Wed Apr 12 09:32:56 CEST 2023

Dear VO community,

this third announcement for the
*    IVOA Northern Spring 2023 Interoperability Meeting*
    *(Bologna - Italy - May 8-12 2023)*
is a reminder about the approaching *registration deadline: April 21st 2023*

After that date in presence participation and in-presence/remote
registration changes won't be possible.

We invite you to register a.s.a.p. as attendance in person is encouraged!

All information can be found on the meeting website:


The Programme page is available at
https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2023 and provides
details on the various Working Group, Interest Group, joint, and plenary

Don't hesitate to contact the LOC should further information be needed.

*Please see the attached poster for a few highlights*. You’re welcome to
share it at your institution and with colleagues.

Looking forward to your attendance and an engaging Interop in May!

Best Regards
    IVOA Bologna 2023 LOC
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