MOC 2.0 TCG Voting Period: Now - Feb 12, 2022

Tom Donaldson tdonaldson at
Thu Jan 27 06:08:41 CET 2022

Dear TCG members,

I'm pleased to announce that a new version of the MOC 2.0 Proposed Recommendation has been posted to include all RFC comments through January 25, 2022.  Many thanks to all who commented and to the authors for their responses. 

Now we enter the final TCG voting period for the document.  All Working Group chairs (required) and Interest Group chairs (optional), please make every effort to add any final comments and your vote on the RFC page by February 12, 2022: 

The authors and I will make every effort to respond quickly to comments during this period.  Please let me know if you notice technical issues with the document itself or the RFC page.

Many thanks!
Tom Donaldson
Applications Working Group chair

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