theory/GWS session next interop

Gerard Lemson glemson1 at
Mon Apr 4 15:50:20 CEST 2022

To those interested in theory and science platforms

At the next IVOA interop, April 25-29 (, the theory interest group will have one session, shared with the grid and web services working group. This will be a brainstorming session focused on defining and getting buy-in on some concrete projects supporting the analysis of what we call cosmological simulations (those that represent and evolve a volume in 3+1 dimensional space-time, whatever its spatial size) on what we have called science platforms (for examples of these look at contributions to the mini workshop during the IVOA interop about a year ago
Within the IVOA context the overarching goal should be to find common practices that could lead to a definition of what constitute interoperability of science platforms.
Such projects would (likely) include hosting simulation data on at least one such science platform, having server-side analysis capabilities near the data, possibly providing search capabilities through a database designed according to the simulation data model (a "SimDB") with metadata about these simulations.

The details of the program are still to be worked out, please follow the progress on And feel free to discuss this on the mailing list or the theory-ig slack channel on

Best regards
Gerard Lemson
Simon O'Toole
Giuliano Taffoni

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