MoU between IVOA and IAU OAD

Chenzhou Cui ccz at
Fri Mar 5 09:17:30 CET 2021

Dear IVOA colleagues,

cc Vanessa McBride and Kevin Govender,

After several months' preparation, the MoU between IVOA and the IAU 
Office of Astronomy for Development (OAD) was approved by the Exec 
committee at the last telecon. Attached please find the signed 
partnership agreement with the OAD!

The partnership is to bring together the complementary resources and 
expertise of the IVOA and the OAD to advance the use of astronomical 
data and/or technologies to use in different areas of society. The 
project will most likely be centered on (but not limited to) using VO 
tools for curriculum development (jointly with the SA-ROAD), data-driven 
citizen science projects through the WWT, as well as some of the OAD 
projects that use VO tools for education and outreach purposes, e.g. 
Shristi Astronomy etc.

To boost the collaboration, a wiki page is created for the existing IVOA 
education resources and tutorials. I encourage all VO projects and 
WGs/IGs to add suitable resources to the page. Resources and tutorials 
in both English and non-English are welcome. Thanks.

This collaboration is very helpful to improve the visibility of VO 
community in the global astronomy community. Your contributions are very 
welcome! If you have any idea relating to these or other possible 
implementations of the VO and astro4dev, please don’t hesitate to get in 
touch with Vanessa or me.

We look forward to a fruitful relationship.

Kind regards,
on behalf of the IVOA Exec

Chenzhou Cui
National Astronomical Observatory | Tel: +86-10-64872500
Chinese Academy of Sciences       | FAX: +86-10-64888708
20A Datun Road, Chaoyang District | Email: ccz at
Beijing 100101, China             | WWW:

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