Vocabularies in the VO 2.0 PR

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at ari.uni-heidelberg.de
Fri Jan 15 12:46:34 CET 2021

Dear IVOA Community,

The Semantics working group has been preparing a new major version
(2.0) of the Vocabularies in the VO specification in the past 18
months or so.

After signifiant implementation experience we now believe that the
draft is now ready for a wider review, and hence we have published a
Proposed Recommendation at 


The specification gives rules for consensus vocabularies, i.e., lists
of terms that need to be agreed upon between multiple parties in both
form and semantics.  Examples for such lists already in use in the VO
range from time scales in VOTables to relationship types in the
Registry or in Datalink to subject keywords in the Registry.  The
specification tries hard to make the artefacts underlying such word
lists easy to use while remaining compatible with the non-VO world of
RDF ("semantic web").

We hence invite you to review the PR, preferably before RFC, which we
would like to start in early March unless major problems were found.
Of course, we would partiularly appreciate further implementations,
for instance by Registry or VOTable validators or by datalink



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