pyvo v1.2 released; master branch renamed

Tom Donaldson tdonaldson at
Mon Dec 20 18:10:15 CET 2021

Dear IVOA,

I have 2 announcements for those using or developing pyvo:

1) pyvo v1.2 has been released and will now be the version installed via ‘pip install pyvo’.  This release includes everything that was on the master branch as of Dec 17, 2021.  See the changelog for the main updates:

Open issues and PRs that were milestoned for v1.2 have been re-milestoned for v1.3.  I’m hoping we can tackle a number of those open items and get a v1.3 release out within the next couple of months.

2) After the v1.2 release, the "master" branch was renamed to "main".  From now on, feature branches should be created and updated from "main".  (The repository is at

If any issues are discovered or suspected with either of these items, please raise them on github, astropy#pyvo Slack, or here on the Apps list (apps at


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