Advanced Column Statistics

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at
Fri Apr 30 12:42:21 CEST 2021

Dear VO community,

Since doing Registry searches using spatial, temporal, and spectral
constraints[1] is slowly becoming a reality with VODataService 1.2 in
RFC (still open for community comments:, it is
now time to think about the next step for blind discovery: Advanced
column statistics.

The short version of the use case is: "Give me a catalogue of X
approximately complete to 15 mag in V".

Based on Grégory's ideas I have written a note on this, in a format
somewhere between brainstorming and a roadmap, which Giulia has just
put up on the document repository:

It would be great if you could have a look at the text with a view

* from the Apps perspective: Does the proposed metadata make sense
  for you?  Is there additional low-hanging fruit we could pick with
  sensible extensions or alterations to the plan?

* from the Registry perspective: How will we make data like this
  available for discovery purposes?  Is vs:Stats a sane way to
  represent it?

* from the DAL perspective: What would extended metadata in
  VODataService mean for TAP_SCHEMA?

* for operators: Could you come up the the proposed metadata?  Would
  you?  I'd be happy to work with you to have a few more
  prototype implementations (beyond DaCHS, as discussed in the

* for everyone: Are there any elephants in the room that I've
  overlooked so far?

I'd suggest followup comments should go to Registry.  And I'm happy
to have something like a spontaneous breakout on this at the next
interop (I'm told we'll have gathertown for it...)



[1] cf., which in some way
is part one of the new note.

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