Fwd: WorldWide Telescope Tours Contest

Chenzhou Cui ccz at bao.ac.cn
Thu Apr 22 14:20:02 CEST 2021

Dear IVOA colleagues,

You may interested in the event coordinated by IVOA and our partners, 
the IAU OAD, AAS and CAS.



-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	WorldWide Telescope Tours Contest
Date: 	Thu, 22 Apr 2021 10:32:26 +0200
From: 	Kevin Govender <kg at astro4dev.org>
To: 	OAD Regions <regions at astro4dev.org>
CC: 	Li Shanshan <lishanshan at nao.cas.cn>, Chenzhou CUI <ccz at bao.ac.cn>

Dear colleagues

I hope this email finds you well.

Please find attached (and copied below) information about an upcoming 
contest using WorldWide Telescope, coordinated by our partner, the 
International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA). I'm copying our IVOA 
colleagues here in case you have any specific questions, but if you are 
interested in staying informed please complete the form at the link 
below. Please spread the word to relevant people in your regions...



WorldWide Telescope (WWT) is a tool that uses real observational data 
and simulation data for many purposes, such as the demonstration of 
scientific research results or interactive STEAM education. It has a web 
portal and a Windows-PC client (recommended for contest use). The 
worldwide telescope concept originated in 2001; the platform with the 
same name was launched by Microsoft Research in 2008 and open-sourced in 
2015. The management of WWT was transferred to the American Astronomical 
Society (AAS) in 2016. Learn more and try WWT at 
http://www.worldwidetelescope.org <http://www.worldwidetelescope.org>.

WWT Guided Tour Contest (WGTC) is a contest encouraging students, 
amateur astronomers and anyone interested in astronomy, geography or 
other related science, to use astronomical and other scientific data 
through the platform provided by WWT to create Guided Tours. A WWT 
Guided Tour can cover all topics related to astronomy and other science, 
including concept teaching, interpretation of science knowledge, data 
analysis and visualization, storytelling, science fiction and so on. You 
can see what a WWT looks like at 

This international contest is based on the successful national contest 
experiences from China and the United States. In China, a national 
contest is held every two to three years and has been held successfully 
four times. The participants increased from 22 students to 254, and more 
than 120 tours have been uploaded in the 4^th contest. The contest and 
related activities provide a new platform for astronomy education and 
public outreach. It pushes the potential social influence of astronomy 
and astronomical data, stimulates scientific interest and technological 
innovation of students, and cultivates the cooperation and team-spirit 
of teenagers.



The first International WorldWide Telescope (WWT) Guided Tour Contest 
will kick off in the second half of 2021, and the award ceremony is 
planned in August 2022. The International Astronomical Union’s Office of 
Astronomy for Development, International Virtual Observatory Alliance 
(IVOA), American Astronomical Society (AAS) and Chinese Astronomical 
Society (CAS) will be the host organizers of the contest. This 
international contest will need regional organizers or a committee to 
collect tours and select a certain number of excellent tours to submit 
to the international organizing committee. If you are interested in 
collaborating on this project, please fill the following form: 

Kevin Govender
IAU Office of Astronomy for Development
www.astro4dev.org <http://www.astro4dev.org>

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