Aladin V11 - preview

Pierre Fernique Pierre.Fernique at
Mon Jan 27 10:06:23 CET 2020

Dear Aladin users,

Aladin v11 
<> is 
available "en avant-première" since the beginning of this month on the 
CDS website. The official release will take place shortly after this 
last test period.

Aladin V11 is compatible with these recent IVOA standard evolutions:

  * VOTable 1.4 - especially TIMESYS support
  * TAP 1.1 (+ JOIN support)
  * MOC 1.1 (Time MOC)
  * Dalalink + SODA

This version is also compatible with the recent FITS compressed image 
recommendation (internal FITS compressions: GZIP1, GZIP2, RICE1, 

Do not hesitate to download it, test it and send your comments and/or 
possible bug report.

Best regards
Pierre Fernique for the Aladin team.

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