Note for the model for source data

Laurent MICHEL laurent.michel at
Thu Apr 23 11:33:03 CEST 2020

Dear all,

The note giving the main requirements for a modular model for source 
data has been published on ivoadoc.

2 key points in this paper:
- A model proposal to deal with the diversity of the use cases presented
   in Paris.
- Some requirements for an annotation mechanism adapted to the Vizier
   context as well as for TAP services (possibly).

An official repository has also been open for this project:


The authors

---- Laurent MICHEL              Tel  (33 0) 3 68 85 24 37
      Observatoire de Strasbourg  Fax  (33 0) 3 68 85 24 32
      11 Rue de l'Universite      Mail laurent.michel at
      67000 Strasbourg (France)   Web

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