Call for Applications talks in Groningen

Tom Donaldson tdonaldson at
Fri Sep 13 00:06:09 CEST 2019

Hello All,

Thanks to everyone who has requested a talk.  We have a fairly full program, but if you have ideas for a talk, please let me know anyway as there is a chance that more time will become available.

I believe I have responded directly to everyone who requested a talk.  I want to make sure I've accounted for all requests, so if you did request a talk and have not heard from me, please let me know.


On 8/26/19, 10:20 AM, "interop-bounces at on behalf of Tom Donaldson" <interop-bounces at on behalf of tdonaldson at> wrote:

     Dear IVOA,
    This is an invitation to submit contributions for Applications sessions at the upcoming IVOA Interop meeting in Groningen, The Netherlands (11-13 October).  Please submit proposed contributions to me (tdonaldson at or the Applications list (apps at
    Contributions are welcome in a variety of areas.  If you are uncertain if your contribution is an exact match for Applications, please submit anyway.  We may end up with some topic-based sessions that are not specific to an individual working group.  Likely topics include:
     * New or enhanced VO-enabled applications
     * General issues in writing software for VO purposes, including PyVO, etc.
     * Discussions/presentations on new or existing VO standards (VOTable, MOC, HiPS, SAMP)
    As this is a short meeting, please understand that we may not be able to include all proposed contributions.  
    Best Regards,

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