REMINDER: Astronomical Data Archives meeting, 5-8 August 2019, Sydney Australia.

Simon O'Toole simon.otoole at
Thu May 30 03:44:07 CEST 2019

Please note that Early Bird Registration for the Data Archives meeting has been extended until 7 June 2019. Register here:


Data management is becoming a greater challenge in the era of large surveys from telescopes such as Gaia, LSST and the various SKA pathfinder projects. We are well and truly in the petabyte regime, and with the SKA on the horizon, we are not far from the exabyte regime. Users still need to access these data to do science.

The goals of the meeting are therefore to determine what areas of data archives we can collaborate on, and where we can share information, data and code. There is a lot of great work being done here with new technologies (as seen at the ADASS and IVOA meetings), and it would be great to avoid duplicating effort. And of course we’re all interested in interoperability.


  *   Exploring different technologies for storage and querying (SQL, noSQL, Hadoop, Elasticsearch, etc, what works and what doesn't)
  *   Beyond Data Storage (What services should archives offer and what do they currently?)
  *   Interoperability (incl. IVOA)
  *   Tools (incl. access control and code-to-the-data)
  *   User Interfaces and User Experience
  *   Hardware (incl. cloud vs hosted vs hybrid)

The meeting will be a mix of talks, Birds of a Feather sessions, mini-workshops, a networking session, and a discussion about things to take away from the meeting and possibly report on at a future meeting. We are also planning a poster session, however the posters would display the full stack of a participant’s data archive rather than research or projects.


The Early Bird fee is $250 AUD (the Standard fee after 31 May 2019 is $300 AUD).


[Data Central] <>
Simon O'Toole<mailto:simon.otoole at> • Senior Research Systems Engineer • Data Central Project Scientist<><> • Australian Astronomical Optics, Macquarie University<>


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