VOTable 1.4 Working Draft

Francois Ochsenbein francois.ochsenbein at gmail.com
Fri Feb 15 10:28:19 CET 2019

Hi Arnold,

I'm not sure to understand the requirement of having the same spatial
reference position as the temporal one − measures of positions and time
are generally un-correlated from each other in different columns of a
table, where zero to many measures of positions / times can be reported 
in one or several coordinate / time systems; in tables reporting very
specific events your requirement can be important, but it seems to me
that it's out of VOTable scope...

Cheers, François 

>on 2019-02-14 at 15:00-0500, Arnold Rots wrote:

>I note that there are no restrictions imposed on the
>timescale/reference position combination.
>That can really set you up for major trouble.
>And maybe one should just require that the spatial reference position
>is the same as the temporal one. Otherwise one runs the risk of time
>not moving linearly.
>  - Arnold

Francois Ochsenbein  ---   6, rue des Vosges -- 67380 Lingolsheim 
ochsenbein at evc.net   ---   francois.ochsenbein at gmail.com
+33 (0)388 77 81 17  ---   +33 (0)602 39 60 78

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