VOTable 1.4 Working Draft

Francois Ochsenbein francois.ochsenbein at gmail.com
Tue Feb 12 15:38:15 CET 2019


I was pleased to read the announcement of the VOTable 1.4 draft; the
"un-deprecation" of the COOSYS element simplifies the reference to one
or several coordinate systems used in a VOTABLE, at the cost of a loss
of generality. However it seems to me that an "origin" or "refposition"
attribute, which specifies the origin of the coordinate system
(barycentric, geocentric, etc) is currently missing in the COOSYS
element, and this new version represents a good opportunity to fix this
gap; the list of possible origins is identical to the list of reference
positions associated to the "refposition" attribute of the TIMESYS
element. However this attribute, which did not exist in version 1.1,
could hardly be mandatory...


François Ochsenbein

==> Le vendredi 2019-02-01 à 15:32+0000,
    Tom Donaldson <tdonaldson at stsci.edu> a écrit:

>Dear IVOA,
>We are pleased to announce that the first Working Draft for VOTable
>version 1.4 is ready for review at
>http://www.ivoa.net/documents/VOTable/20190131/ .
>The driving reason for this update is to implement the recommendations
>of the note, "A Proposal for a TIMESYS Element in
>VOTable" (http://www.ivoa.net/documents/Notes/TimeSys/index.html ).
>Since the scope of the changes is relatively narrow, we are hoping
>that this review process can move quickly, ideally proceeding to
>official Recommendation (REC) shortly after the Paris Interop
>meeting.  If you have an interest in this update, or will be obligated
>to have an interest (TCG), please review at your earliest convenience
>and bring comments and concerns to the Applications Working Group list
>(apps at ivoa.net ).
>In addition to the changes driven by TIMESYS, please note the new
>language in section 3 attempting to clarify some subtleties regarding
>namespace and schema versioning (also see
>http://www.ivoa.net/documents/Notes/XMLVers/20180529/ ).  Feedback on
>all aspects of the document is welcome.
>I will also propose a slight change in the syntax for TIMESYS (to
>*require* the use of "ref" in TIMESYS references), but I will leave
>that for a separate thread on the Apps WG list.

Francois Ochsenbein  ---   6, rue des Vosges -- 67380 Lingolsheim 
ochsenbein at evc.net   ---   francois.ochsenbein at gmail.com
+33 (0)388 77 81 17  ---   +33 (0)602 39 60 78

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