RFC for VOTable 1.4

Tom Donaldson tdonaldson at stsci.edu
Sun Aug 18 23:46:10 CEST 2019

Dear TCG,

The RFC period for VOTable 1.4 has generated some useful comments (see https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/VOTable14RFC ).  All comments now have responses, so please take a look and follow up with further discussion or approval as appropriate.  So far the comments have not resulted in the document being changed, but there are two items that might warrant wording improvements:

1) Add a table with formal definitions for the allowable "system" values for COOSYS.  This change is not critical, but if an uncontroversial table can be contributed soon by someone, then I don't see a problem adding it to section 3.4.

2) Under the semantics comment section, there is some discussion of the use of VOUnits.  I can imagine some clarifying text in section 4.4, but am curious what others think.

If you have not commented/voted yet, I gently request that you take some moments to submit your review.

Best Regards,

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