A Proposal for a TIMESYS Element in VOTable

Tom McGlynn tom.mcglynn at nasa.gov
Wed Oct 31 20:55:26 CET 2018

It seems to me that this makes no accommodation for satellites where the 
reference position is variable but not
unknown.  The definition of topocentric is according to my dictionary: 
"**relating to, measured from, or as if observed from a particular point 
on the earth's surface *: *having or relating to such a point as origin" 
so TOPOCENTER is fine for earth based observations (though there are 
balloons that move quite a bit during an observation campaign) but it 
would be a stretch to use it for satellites.  I wouldn't want to say 
UNKNOWN though.    Maybe SATELLITE or VARIABLE? Lots of HEASARC data 
have times that are measured at the satellite -- and that includes lots 
of the GRB detecting satellites for which this kind of feature would be 
very nice.

     Tom McG.

AdaNebot wrote:
> Dear All,
> A Note entitled “*A Proposal for a TIMESYS Element in VOTable*” can be 
> found under:
> http://ivoa.net/documents/Notes/TimeSys/
> Thanks for taking the time to read this document,
> Happy reading!
> See you in College Park,
> Ada Nebot
> TDIG Chair

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