Call for Apps Contributions

Tom Donaldson tdonaldson at
Tue Oct 2 19:34:54 CEST 2018

Dear IVOA,

This is an invitation to submit contributions to the Applications sessions at the upcoming IVOA Interoperability Meeting in College Park, November 8-10 ( ).

Of course, we often have presentations of new VO implementations, but we also welcome presentations or discussions on technical or strategic issues affecting how applications work in the VO ecosystem.  As this is a short meeting, we may not have time for all contributions, but we will do our best.  Please submit all ideas to myself and Raffaele as soon as practical.

Topics related to Python, VOTable, Authentication and HiPS are especially relevant given the current Apps roadmap (below), but all ideas are welcome!

Apps Roadmap (2018A)

·         Engage with Astropy community

·         Possible Astroquery VO module

VOTable Standards

·         Work towards VODML-Mapping<> consensus.

·         Determine if there are other driving factors for a new VOTable version.


·         Encourage application support for client authentication, working with the Grid and Web Services working group to outline the scope and details.


·         Continue to encourage HiPS providers to declare their services in the VO registry according to the HiPS Standard<>(section 5.3).

Best Regards,
Tom Donaldson and Raffaele D’Abrusco
Application Working Group Chairs

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