IVOA Welcome to College Park

Tom McGlynn (NASA/GSFC Code 660.1) tom.mcglynn at nasa.gov
Tue Nov 6 20:38:12 CET 2018

Dear IVOA attendees,

We hope to welcome you to College Park in the next few days.  The IVOA meeting proper will begin at 
11 AM on Thursday November 8 in the Terrapin Room at The Hotel at the University of Maryland.  A 
face-to-face TCG meeting will precede the Interop, starting at 8:30 AM.  This will be held in the 
Diamondback Room, a conference room adjacent to the Terrapin Room.  Both of these are on the lobby 
level of the hotel.   You should be able to folly the signs from the lobby.
An Executive Committee meeting will follow the regular sessions on Thursday and will also be held in 
the Diamondback Room.

A registration desk will be set up outside the Terrapin Room with name badges and information.  
Unfortunately, due to US government regulations we are not able to provide lunch or snacks during 
this event, but there are several excellent dining options both within the hotel or in easy walking 
distance.  Maps and menus will be available at the registration desk.  Free Wifi will be available 
in meeting rooms and in the hotel.  The password will be available at the registration desk.

If you are commuting to the IVOA you may park at The Hotel.  We can validate your parking pass so 
that the daily fee will be $7 rather than the regular rate of $24.

For your convenience we've listed a few web resources that might be helpful below.  Please feel free 
to get in touch with me or other members of the LOC if you need further information.

See you in a few days!

     Tom McGlynn

IVOA meeting schedule: http://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpNov2018
IVOA meeting general: http://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpNov2018MeetingPage
The Hotel: https://www.thehotelumd.com/
ADASS Meeting: http://adass2018.umd.edu/
Map of the area, including walk to College Park Metro Station: https://ter.ps/ADASSmap

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