VO Talk on YouTube - The Virtual is Very Much Real

olga olga at ipac.caltech.edu
Wed Mar 7 18:50:50 CET 2018

Thanks, Janet.
I got the tip from Pepi, and watched it.
It was indeed great, down to earth, presentation.
I liked it.

On 2018-03-07 06:17, Janet Evans wrote:
> Folks,
> Check out the talk by Pepi Fabbiano letting folks know that The
> Virtual is Very Much Real.
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4e1Kkxf8WI
> The talk was very well received at CfA and includes IVOA history and
> current
> efforts, a movie using VO enabled tools, and a live demo with ESASky.
> I think you enjoy watching it!!
> Cheers,
> -janet

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