Chapter about VOs in BigSkyEarth book

Petr Skoda skoda at
Wed Mar 7 14:33:07 CET 2018

Dear colleagues,

as you may still remember I started to announce at Shanghai interop
the idea of putting together the book about knowledge discovery in astro 
and geo informatics. I also bothered many of you during EWASS in Prague. 
At that time was not clear a lot of issues. This book is intended as a 
result of our COST action BIG SKY EARTH  TD1403 where are participating 
also many people from astroinformatics circles,  IVOA and Gaia, LSST etc 

In recent weeks the shaping of the book content and the leading authors of 
chapters started to be fixed (still some flexibility expected)
details will be given later to interested co-authors.

We with   Adam Fathalrahman from DLR are the main book editors.
As the topic also covers the accessing data , querying and processing at 
their storage place (because the BigData) one full chapter (probably 
led by myself) will be devoted  to Virtual observatories, data 
federalisation and such topics - in both 
astronomy and Geo sciences. We already have some idea how to tackle this.

So I am looking for possible contributors from IVOA who  would be able to 
fulfill following requirements. I will cooperate with all of them to join 
their content with other parts of the book.

1) To summarise in say 10 pages the main points of the astronomical VO 
standardization - short history which led to IVOA (I would appreciate 
namely Bob Hanisch, Francoise and other 'fathers and mothers' of IVOA to 
contribute here)

2) To have a wider view in writing the text having in mind that the 
book will be read also by non astronomers from Geo community.
So no details about astronomical jargoons , or detailed explanation of 
protocols, please ;-)

3) Be able of sufficient abstraction of the basic explanation of key 
principles of registry, votable, TAP, UWS
ucd, importance of metadata (also doi ivorn stuff) should be explained 
best with giving analogies in other disciplines ....

4)Also developers from Theory group are welcome to describe shortly the 
SimDB and related stuff also mentioning cosmological simulations and need 
for querying and subcutting in them.

The deadline for delivering final chapter is end of June.
The involvement must be expressed immediately to me and Adam.

The book will be closed source published probably by Springer, although 
Elsevier is in play as well - the decision will be made soon.
All the contributors will be indexed in main databases and will be given 
discounts for the all books from the selected publisher plus other 
benefits (sorry no direct money).

I am awaiting your emails expressing deep interest  ASAP.

Best regards,

Petr Skoda

*  Petr Skoda                         Phone : +420-323-649201, ext. 361 *
*  Stellar Department                         +420-323-620361           *
*  Astronomical Institute CAS         Fax   : +420-323-620250           *
*  251 65 Ondrejov                    e-mail: skoda at  *
*  Czech Republic                             skoda at          *

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