open position - shameless alert

Marco Molinaro marco.molinaro at
Tue Jun 19 18:14:10 CEST 2018

Dear all,
we opened a position (an entry level grant) at INAF-OATs, under the

The position is open to graduate applicants with a
background, with knowledge on coding and database as well as web
technologies. CV and interview will be the selection criteria.

The job will be connected to the last period of the ASTERICS project
(disseminating VO standards and technologies) and the potential follow up
on EOSC activities. Contract duration will be 1 year, renewal depending on
funds availability and the selected person will work with the VO group in

Application deadline is July the 13th and all the application process can
be found at (pick
up the .zip for ID 38/2018).

For any question or detail don't hesitate to contact me (Marco,
marco.molinaro at

Kind Regards
       Marco Molinaro
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