IVOA Slack invitation

Tom Donaldson tdonaldson at stsci.edu
Sun Dec 2 23:49:35 CET 2018

Hi All,

At the College Park interop, we discussed using the IVOA Slack space for more conversations.  If you haven’t joined yet, but would like to try it out, you can use this invitation link:  https://join.slack.com/t/ivoa/shared_invite/enQtNDg1MzUwMzAxMDQ3LWQ2NDFiY2VkNjEwMjg4MzhjNmViMTkyMGZlOGZhMTJjNjZmYTVlZWM0NDM3Mzc1NTc2N2M3MTZiMmI4NmI4ZTY

Once there, there are many channels you can join depending in your interests.  I’ll certainly be watching the applications channel at least.


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