IVOA Northern Fall InterOp Meeting: College Park, MD November 8-10, 2018

Tom McGlynn (NASA/GSFC Code 660.1) tom.mcglynn at nasa.gov
Mon Aug 27 21:02:22 CEST 2018

Dear IVOA Colleagues,

The Northern Fall IVOA Interop Meeting will be held from Thursday November 8 through Saturday 
November 10 in College Park, Maryland, USA.  This meeting will immediately precede the 28th ADASS 
Conference which will be held at the same venue.  Both meetings will be hosted at The Hotel at the 
University of Maryland, a brand new hotel directly across from the main University of Maryland 
campus. The hotel is convenient to the Washington metro, enabling access to the many museums and 
sites of downtime Washington. There will also be a Time Domain Astronomy Hackathon preceding ADASS 
which may be of interest to attendees, especially on Sunday, Nov 11.

If you plan to attend the Interop please register at the site given below.  You must register 
separately for both the IVOA and ADASS meetings if you wish to attend both. There is no cost to 
attend the IVOA meeting, but space may be limited.  The ADASS meeting page also has a link to the 
IVOA registration site.

A room block has been reserved at a reduced rate of $189 for both meetings at The Hotel.  Please 
mention ADASS/IVOA when booking to get the reduced rate.  Rooms must be reserved by October 8 to get 
the reduced rate.

A set of relevant links is provided below, but if you have any questions, please let us know.

                 Tom McGlynn for the ADASS LOC
                 tom.mcglynn at nasa.gov

Interop Meeting Page:       http://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpNov2018MeetingPage

Interop registration Page: 

ADASS Meeting page:         http://adass2018.umd.edu

The Hotel:                  http://thehotelumd.com

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