Call for DAL contributions / Victoria IVOA interop

François Bonnarel francois.bonnarel at
Tue Apr 10 15:04:52 CEST 2018

Dear all,

    This is a call for contributions to the DAL  sessions for the next 
IVOA Interop meeting in Victoria.

    Talks on TAP-1.1, ADQL-2.1, SLAP-2.0, SCS-1.1 and ProvTAP, ProvDAL 
will be welcomed, as well as feedback on DataLink, SIAv2 and SODA. 
Discussion on coming IVOA Note for TimeSeries discovery and access will 
also be well received.

    Feel also free to contribute your experience, work and ides on data 
access to foster discussion for current standards and future work.

Best regards

  Marco and François
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