Call for Operations Talks in Santiago

Tom McGlynn (NASA/GSFC Code 660.1) tom.mcglynn at
Tue Sep 19 19:07:44 CEST 2017

Dear Colleagues,

We will have at least one session for the Operations Interest Group in Santiago and we would be very 
interested in discussions related to the deployment and use of VO services.  Topics might include

     - Assessing the availability, performance and quality of implemented VO services
     - Identifying validation issues for VO standards and exercising existing validators
     - Describing how VO protocols have been used together to enable science within an institution

but any issue associated with the use of VO protocols operationally is fair game.  If there is a topic
you'd like to see discussed but don't necessarily feel competent to lead, please feel free to 
suggest it
and we'll see if it can be arranged.

Please let us know if  you are interested in speaking.  If you could give a title and author list that
would enable us to update the schedule as soon a sfeasible.

Looking forward to meeting everyone in Chile.

     Tom McGlynn, Ops Chair
     Mark Taylor, Ops Vice Chair

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