Discovering Data Collections RFC

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at
Wed Mar 1 16:14:29 CET 2017

Dear IVOA,

Both as a second test run for the Endorsed Note process and as a
solution for data discovery in the age of large TAP services, as
chair of the Registry WG I invite the general public as well as the
TCG to review the proposed endorsed note 

Discovering Data Collections Within Services

available from  Your
comments are welcome on the RFC page
Questions likely to raise longer discussions are welcome on the
Registry mailing list, too.

It is version 1.1 as version 1.0 has been a normal IVOA Note,
published in January 2016.

The formal RFC period is six weeks and will thus end on 2017-04-12.
While we will probably accept late comments until the Shanghai
interop, as always we are particularly grateful for comments during
the RFC period proper.


        Markus Demleitner

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