GWS telecon: June 22, 15:00-16:00 UTC

Brian Major major.brian at
Sat Jun 10 00:40:50 CEST 2017

[ Please note:  interop at is included in this first note regarding
GWS telecons, but all subsequent email will be sent to the grid at
mailing list only.  Please subscribe if you are interesting in hearing more
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Hello GWS,

As promised at the Shanghai interop, the working group is going to
experiment with holding monthly telecons to share information regarding
certain technologies and standards.  The first of these will take place on
Thursday, June 22nd UTC (8:00 PDT, 17:00 CEST).

As these telecons were initially motivated to share ideas about containers
(docker, etc...) and VOSpace implementations, these will be the two general
areas of discussion for this first telecon.  Other GWS related topics, such
as federated authentication (also a hot topic lately), are certainly

I suggest, for this first meeting, we follow this format:

    o We first cycle through each participant, who can, optionally:
        - Provide a brief update of GWS related activities
        - Add items to the agenda
    o We go through each of the proposed agenda items, fixing the time for
each based on the number of items and time remaining in the hour.
    o We make plans for the next telecon.

The meeting will use the "Vidyo" video conferencing system.  We have a
dedicated room setup for these meetings at the link below:

Please join as a guest by entering your name and pressing 'Join'.  Feel
free to use this room to test your Vidyo installation before the meeting.
It will require you to install a desktop client, so I highly recommend
doing such a test.

I hope many of you are able to join.  Even if you have nothing to
contribute, please feel free to attend and listen to the activities
(successes and struggles!) from those in our community.



P.S. Although we have found Vidyo to be an excellent tool for handling a
large number of participants in a telecon, it has a few quirks:

- For those using Ubuntu, there may be some problems with the install
process.  If so, please refer to this post::

- To connect to the talk - first start up your Vidyodesktop client. It
 will show entry fields VidyoPortal, Username, Password.  Ignore these
fields and click directly on the URL link provided in this email.  A new
Vidyo window will pop up where you enter your name and click on the Connect

Brian Major

Canadian Astronomy Data Centre
Centre canadien de données astronomiques

National Research Council Canada
Conseil national de recherches Canada
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