VOResource 1.1 RFC

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at ari.uni-heidelberg.de
Thu Jun 1 16:24:46 CEST 2017

Dear IVOA community,

After VOResource 1.1 went to Proposed Recommendation in April, I am
happy to formally open the RFC for it.

Please review the text and comment on

In particular operators of publishing registries and authors of
advanced registry records are cordially invited to read the document
and ideally already provide implementation feedback; VOResource 1.1
features can already be used, including for discovery with searchable
registries implementing an (early) draft of RegTAP 1.1.

The RFC period ends on July 15th; it would be wonderful if reviews
could be in by then.


        Markus Demleitner 

(doubling here as Registry Chair and VOResource 1.1 Editor)

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