Applications solicited for the IVOA media group

Fabbiano, Giuseppina gfabbiano at
Mon Jan 9 15:14:06 CET 2017

Dear IVOA member,

Christophe announced in Trieste that the Exec was planning to renew the
standing committee in charge of the IVOA newsletter and to extend its
responsibility to prepare a proposal to the Exec on how to increase the
visibility of the IVOA in the social media.

Social media are an effective channel for communication, and are becoming
increasingly important for professional information. The IVOA should have a
social media presence, to publicize its events (workshops, meetings,) and
developments (new standards, success implementations, new and updated
tools, availability of astronomical data through VO protocols, etc.)

The purview of this media group will include:
- Producing the IVOA newsletter twice a year
- Making a proposal to the Exec on how the IVOA could be present in the
social media: where to publish (twitter? Facebook? LinkedIn?  blog?), what
to publish, frequency of publication, suggestions regarding who would be in
charge of these activities, etc.

Pending Exec comments and approval, the members of this group should
envisage themselves as the  primary responsible for enacting the IVOA
social media presence.

The IVOA Exec is soliciting applications for membership in this group.
If you are interested, please send me e-mail. It would be useful if you
stated your particular interest, experience, and time availability.


Giuseppina Fabbiano

*Senior AstrophysicistHarvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics*
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