DAL future / DAL in Shangaï

François Bonnarel francois.bonnarel at astro.unistra.fr
Tue Feb 28 16:16:44 CET 2017

Dear interop-ers,

Following discussions at the last interop we opened a new page for 
gathering feedback on recently recommended DAL protocols, new use cases 
and proposal for new developments in DAL for the future, (see 

The TimeDomain data handling has been enhanced following the scientific 
community demand. Please fill free to describe your experience with DAL 
protocols and propose changes or new ideas.

We also take the chance of this mail to call for presentations in DAL 
sessions at Shangaï Interop. We are specially eager, on one side, to 
hear you on DALI, TAP and ADQL currently discussed specifications and, 
on the other side, to get proposals along the lines of what we gathered 
in the pages referenced above under the generic title of "DAL future".

Best regards

François Bonnarel and Marco Molinaro as DAL chair/vice-chair

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