Call for Registry talks at the Shanghai Interop

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at
Wed Apr 5 16:54:29 CEST 2017

Dear VO members,

At the Shanghai Interop, we will have two Registry sessions, so
there's plenty of time for your contributions.

If you have Registry-related material -- including, but not limited
to what's put down in our roadmap[1] --, please contact either
Theresa or me with a title and perhaps a few words on what you are
planning to do.  We will try to be flexible as to the format of your

In particular, this Interop is probably "last orders" for anything
that's supposed to be going into VOResource 1.1.  We would also be
very interested in anything related to TAP table discovery beyond
GloTS (there's an RFC going on on the discovering dependend resources

And there will be notes on finally enabling space-time discovery in
the Registry -- so, if you have thoughts on that, you're most
welcome, too.




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