CDS services downtime

Petr Skoda skoda at
Mon Apr 3 19:22:59 CEST 2017

> Hi Petr,
> First, I agree Sesame is a critical piece for many services and tools, and we 
> consider it as such at CDS.
> As explained in the Sesame documentation page ( 
> ), there is a Sesame mirror at CfA, 
> its base URL is
> I tried it today around 11am GMT, and it was working fine as far as I can 
> tell.

First thanks Thomas for explanation.

OTOH until the CDS was down I was not able to read this as the cfa info 
about Sesame links to CDS ;-) as explained

> Several tools, including Aladin Desktop and Astropy coordinates package, are 
> taking advantage of the existence of the mirror as a fallback in case the 
> main Strasbourg service does not reply.

OK - we will put it in SPLAT as wel

> Thomas
> Le 03/04/2017 à 18:57, Petr Skoda a écrit :
>> I would like to open one important issue.
>> Today for me did not work SPLAT-VO as the resolver seaseme built-in the 
>> splat was not working.
>> Margarida Castro Neves claims that the other built-in resolvers as CADC or 
>> ESO do not work for a long time already.
>> As I understand all below are just Vizier copies not Simbad.
>> The only one is harvard Simbad - but it does not show resolver link
>> If I go to
>> and select other /resolver
>> it redirects back to
>> So is there a Seasame mirror ?
>> And how you have built the alternative resolver in your clients ?
>> We need it to modify SPLAT-VO Resolver selection menu.
>> BTW - I remember when the CDS downtime several years ago - when I was 
>> exactly giving two hour tutorial about VO using SPLAT.
>> That time I could continue immediately by switching to CADC resolver.
>> Is it still working ?
>> Anyway I think that the multiple global mirror of such crucial service as 
>> Seasame is  essential and shoudl be discussed here.
>> Best regards,
>> Petr
>>> Dear colleagues,
>>> We would like to make you aware of a scheduled down-time for the main 
>>> Strasbourg site for CDS services (, 
>>> on Monday April 3, starting at 7h00 CET (5h00 GMT) 
>>> and lasting for 6 to 10 hours.
>>> This will impact all services hosted in Strasbourg : Simbad, VizieR, the 
>>> Aladin images server,
>>> XMatch, the CDS Registry...
>>> This is an unavoidable down-time due to major electrical work that 
>>> requires all power to our site to be shut down for that time.
>>> We recommend the use of our mirror sites during this period: Simbad at CfA 
>>> <>, or VizieR at CfA 
>>> <>, Tokyo 
>>> <>, CADC 
>>> <>, IUCAA in India 
>>> <>, Beijing Obs. 
>>> <>, or SAAO in South Africa 
>>> <>.
>>> We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.
>>> -- 
>>>   (((    Sebastien Derriere sebastien.derriere at
>>>  (. .)   Observatoire de Strasbourg       Phone +33 (0) 368 852 444
>>> (( v ))  11, rue de l'universite        Telefax +33 (0) 368 852 432
>>> ---m-m--- F-67000 Strasbourg  France
>> *************************************************************************
>> *  Petr Skoda                         Tel   : (323) 649201, l. 361      *
>> *  Stelarni oddeleni                          (323) 620361              *
>> *  Astronomicky ustav AVCR, v.v.i     Fax   : (323) 620250              *
>> *  251 65 Ondrejov                    e-mail: skoda at  *
>> *  Ceska republika                                                      *
>> *************************************************************************

*  Petr Skoda                         Tel   : (323) 649201, l. 361      *
*  Stelarni oddeleni                          (323) 620361              *
*  Astronomicky ustav AVCR, v.v.i     Fax   : (323) 620250              *
*  251 65 Ondrejov                    e-mail: skoda at  *
*  Ceska republika                                                      *

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