Second Call for DAL talks in Trieste

François Bonnarel francois.bonnarel at
Mon Oct 3 17:46:33 CEST 2016

Dear all,

      This is a second call Data Access Layer sessions at the upcoming 
Interop meeting in Trieste.

      Don't hesitate to report on anything related to DAL protocols 
(protocols under developments, inplementations demos or feedback, new ideas)

Marco and François

Le 13/09/2016 10:41, François Bonnarel a écrit :
> Dear all,
>     This is a call for contribution to the Data Access Layer sessions 
> at the upcoming Interop meeting in Trieste.
>     A new version of the SODA PR will be released in the coming days. 
> It is interesting to get feedback to the changes and implementations.  
> We will be in RFC for SODA at the time of the Interop. Report on 
> implementation of DataLink and SIAV2 (or ObsTAP) and combinations of 
> those services are  also requested
>     A full session will probably be dedicated to DALI/TAP/ADQL WD 
> currently discussed.
>     There will be room for presenting ideas about what is missing or 
> should be added in next versions of DataLink and SIAV2 and hwo we make 
> a start for that.
>     If somebody want to report ideas about SimDAL and VTP and there is 
> no Theory or Time domain sessions we can probably host these talks too.
> Cheers
> François Bonnarel and Marco Molinaro (chair/vice-chair of the DAL WG)

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