Information about RDA activities/DataCP

Francoise Genova francoise.genova at
Sun May 15 17:17:38 CEST 2016

Dear colleagues,

I will from time to time pass some information about the RDA activities 
to the IVOA community. This time I do it through the general list, 
because I am not sure that all the participants in Cape Town DataCP 
meeting are registered to the datacp mailing list, but next time I will 
use that list. I suggest that you register on datacp mailing list 
( if you want to recieve 
the next messages. You can also become a member of the RDA by 
registering at
to get information directly. I will not cc all RDA messages to DataCP!

The information I wanted to share this time is about the webinar program 
organised by RDA Europe. You can find the information at
On 14 June the webinar (12:00 UTC) will deal with the Certification 
activities I described in Cape Town.



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