Registration for Northern-Spring Interop in South Africa 8-13 May 2016

Patricia Whitelock paw at
Tue Mar 29 16:13:13 CEST 2016

Registration for the IVOA meeting will *be closed on 15 April*.
If you really anticipate needing to register after 15 April, please 
email me.

Early registration for the IVOA meeting will close midnight 31 March (CAT).
We will use the number of people registered at that stage to estimate 
our costs for the meeting
so it would help us tremendously if you could register by then.
Late registration will be possible at a slightly higher cost for the meals.

Full details:,

If you have questions please do ask us.

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	Northern-Spring Interop in South Africa 8-13 May 2016
Date: 	Fri, 22 Jan 2016 16:24:58 +0200
From: 	Patricia Whitelock <paw at>
To: 	interop at
CC: 	Nazli Mohamed <Nazli at>

The 2016 Northern Spring Interoperability Meeting of the IVOA
will be hosted by the South African Astroinformatics Alliance(SA^3 )
in Stellenbosch, near Cape Town, from 8-13 May 2016.

Some preliminary plans for the program, suggestions for accommodation
and details on how to register can be found on the SA^3 website:,

Please register soon as we would like to know numbers
(lunches and the conference dinner will be cheaper if paid
before 1 April).

We are looking forward to welcoming you to the first IVOA Interop
meeting on the African continent!

Patricia Whitelock for the LOC

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