ADASS XXVI: 2nd announcement, and IVOA Interop

Giulia Iafrate iafrate at
Wed Jun 1 14:12:21 CEST 2016

Dear all, 
this is the second announcement for ADASS XXVI, to be held on 16-20 October 2016 in Trieste, Italy. 
The IVOA Interop will be held immediately after ADASS, on 21-23 October, at the same venue. 
Please register through the ADASS registration page, even if you wish to participate in the Interop only. 

Giulia Iafrate 
IVOA Doc Coordinator 


Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems (ADASS) Conference Series 

16-20 October 2016 
Stazione Marittima Conference Centre, Trieste, Italy 

Registration is now open 

*** Financial aid deadline: 31-May *** 
Apply for financial aid 

*** Oral abstract deadline: 24-Jun *** (extended) 
Submit an abstract 

web site: 

The 26th annual conference on Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems ( ) will be held from 16-20 October 2016 at the Stazione Marittima Conference Centre, Trieste, Italy. The host of ADASS XXVI will be the Trieste Astronomical Observatory (OATs) of the Italian National Institute of Astrophysics (INAF). 

This annual conference, held in a different location each year, is a forum for scientists, engineers, developers and programmers working in areas related to algorithms, software and systems for the acquisition, reduction, analysis, and dissemination of astronomical data. 

The ADASS XXVI program will include invited talks, contributed papers, display sessions, tutorials, computer demonstrations, and special interest ("Birds of a Feather" or BoF) meetings. These activities aim to encourage communication between software specialists and scientists, and to stimulate further development of software and systems to meet the data science challenges of astronomy. 

Contributions related, but not limited, to the following key themes are welcome: 
* Reduction and Analysis Algorithms for Large Databases and Vice-versa 
* Management of Scientific and Data Analysis Projects 
* New Trends in HPC and Distributed Computing 
* Long-term Management of Data Archives 
* Data Models in Astrophysics 
* Python in Astronomy 
* Surveys for Transient Objects in the Era of Gravitational Wave Astronomy 

Confirmed invited speakers include: 
* Tom Aldcroft (CfA/SAO/CXC) 
* Christophe Arviset (ESA-ESAC) 
* Tiziana Ferrari (EGI) 
* Gerard Lemson (Johns Hopkins) 
* Mireille Louys (CDS) 
* Robert Lupton (Princeton) 
* Luisa Rebull (IPAC/Caltech) 
* Giuliano Taffoni (INAF-OATs) 

The International Virtual Observatory Alliance meeting will be held immediately after ADASS, on 21-23 October, at the same venue. 

Program Organising Committee (POC): 
Pascal Ballester (ESO) 
Sebastien Derriere (CDS) 
Mike Fitzpatrick (NOAO) 
Carlos Gabriel (ESA-ESAC) 
Stephen Gwyn (CADC) 
Jorge Ibsen (ESO/ALMA) 
Tony Krueger (STScI) 
Kathleen Labrie (Gemini) 
Mark Lacy (NRAO) 
Jim Lewis (IoA) 
Nuria Lorente, POC Chair (AAO) 
Fabio Pasian (INAF) 
Arnold Rots (SAO) 
Keith Shortridge (AAO) 
Mauricio Solar (UTFSM) 
Tadafumi Takata (NAOJ) 
Harry Teplitz (IPAC/Caltech) 

Local Organising Committee (LOC) ( loc_adass2016 at ): 
Stefano Borgani, LOC Co-Chair (INAF-OATs and UniTS) 
Carlo Baccigalupi (SISSA) 
Guido Cupani (INAF-OATs) 
Simonetta Fabrizio (INAF-OATs) 
Federico Gasparo (INAF-OATs) 
Giorgio Giorgetti (UniTS) 
Giulia Iafrate (INAF-OATs) 
Marco Molinaro (INAF-OATs) 
Fabio Pasian, LOC Chair (INAF-OATs) 
Massimo Ramella (INAF-OATs) 
Erik Romelli (UniTS) 
Gabriella Schiulaz (INAF-OATs) 
Giuliano Taffoni (INAF-OATs) 
Daniele Tavagnacco (INAF-OATs) 
Claudio Vuerli (INAF-OATs) 

We look forward to seeing you in Trieste. 
Best regards, 

Nuria Lorente on behalf of the ADASS POC, 
Fabio Pasian and Stefano Borgani on behalf of the ADASS XXVI LOC. 

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