Northern-Spring Interop in South Africa 8-13 May 2016

Patricia Whitelock paw at
Fri Jan 22 15:24:58 CET 2016

The 2016 Northern Spring Interoperability Meeting of the IVOA
will be hosted by the South African Astroinformatics Alliance(SA^3 )
in Stellenbosch, near Cape Town, from 8-13 May 2016.

Some preliminary plans for the program, suggestions for accommodation
and details on how to register can be found on the SA^3 website:,

Please register soon as we would like to know numbers
(lunches and the conference dinner will be cheaper if paid
before 1 April).

We are looking forward to welcoming you to the first IVOA Interop
meeting on the African continent!

Patricia Whitelock for the LOC
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