Discovering Data Collections Within Services Note version 1.0

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at
Thu Jan 14 17:00:23 CET 2016

Dear Colleagues,

I have just published a note on Discovering Data Collections Within
Services in the IVOA document repository --

What this is about, in brief: How do VO users find all the TAP tables
we have out there, e.g., in VizieR or at IRSA or all those other
wonderful data centers?  This particular rabbit hole goes a bit
deeper, but the TAP issue is the most pressing use case.

This note does a few possibly objectionable things, in particular
defining ivoids over which it really has no control; it also covers a
few important data discovery use cases.

For both reasons, I would appreciate if people outside of the usual
Registry gang could spare 30 minutes or so to try and understand what
this is about and comment (even if slightly unsure), preferably *not*
here but on registry at

In case you're still hesitating: If there is no major outcry, I would
like to propose this for an endorsed note.  Meaning: you should make
up your mind about it fairly soon anyway...



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