Edu IG session at the May 2016 Interop in SA

Massimo Ramella ramella at
Fri Feb 19 11:48:00 CET 2016

Dear Colleagues, 

Two years have passed since out last EduIG session at an Interop meeting. I think it is very important to have an EduIG session during the next Interop in South Africa, if we want the interest group to survive. The May Interop is five days long and should easily accommodate EduIG. 

The EduIG session could perhaps include also contributions that are more broadly relevant to VO and education than the "internal" developments that . After all, EduIG is meant to the be a contact point of the VO community with other communities interested in education, be they teachers or astronomers or even colleagues from other research fields. 

Please, let me know if you think you are interested, and may contribute, to this "broad" Edu IG session. Feel free to extend this invitation to any colleagues of yours that may be interested. 

Best regards 
Massimo Ramella, 
EduIG Chair 

Although messages to my personal email address are welcome, please note that ivoa has the edu at mailing list that may be the most appropriate place where to discuss our EduIG session. 

Massimo Ramella 
INAF-Osservatorio astronomico di Trieste 
via G.B. Tiepolo 11 
34143 Trieste 

ramella at 
+39 040 3199 140 
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