Fwd: Replies to VO-DML RFC comments

Gerard Lemson gerard.lemson at gmail.com
Thu Dec 22 17:25:52 CET 2016

HI All

I have tried responding to the comments on the VO-DML RFC page (

As part of this I have updated, and am still updating, the version of the
specification documents on volute, at https://volute.g-vo.org/svn/
trunk/projects/dm/vo-dml/doc/VO-DML-PR-v1.0.docx and ***.pdf.

Some comments have been accepted, but still require implementation in the
document. These are referred to as OPEN in my replies. Once these have been
implemented as well the new version of the documents will be uploaded to
the IVOA wiki.

For some of the comments we’d value discussion on the mailing list.

In particular:

·         Shall we keep the VO-UML illustrations in the document?

o   As it stands the authors want to keep it, but other opinions are
welcome to be submitted to the mailing list.

·         Is the structure of the normative sections in chapter 4 clear?

o   First Description of the element

o   Then VO-UML

o   Then VO-DML/XSD schema snippet

o   Then VO-DML/XML example form the base model

o   Finally textual description of possible sub-elements

·         Should we express VO-DML not in XML schema, but only in VO-DML?

o   I give arguments against this in my reply, but if people have arguments
against this, feel free to react on the mailing list.

·         Some extra attention is asked for the new section 5 which
contains the description of a special data model containing some basic
primitive types that all data models SHOULD use. This section used to be in
an appendix but has been promoted to the normative main body of the
specification based on Pierre’s suggestions.

o   This model will be represented on the Wiki with its formal VO-DML/XML
specification document and the HTML documentation. Precise location is
still TBD.

·         We need some discussion on whether/how to register data models.
We propose that VO-DML/XML documents are made accessible through some
standard registry ivoid and maybe requiring an extension? Markus mentions 3
options in his comments as Registry chair, that require some more
discussion. Markus, can you push this on the registry mailing list?

Best regards

Gerard Lemson
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