HiPS PR 1.0

Pierre Fernique Pierre.Fernique at astro.unistra.fr
Fri Dec 2 15:38:06 CET 2016

Dear IVOA members,

Following the Interop Trieste IVOA decision, I'm pleased to announce 
that the *HiPS WD 1.0 has been promoted to PR 1.0.
It is available on the IVOA document repository* 

The HiPS standardization process has been decided one year ago at the 
Sydney Interop meeting in November 2015. This document derives from the 
HiPS note (http://www.ivoa.net/documents/Notes/HiPS/index.html) with 
additions and contributions of HiPS authors, contributors and HiPS 
producers who have accepted to participate to the elaboration of this 
document: Pierre Fernique (CDS), Mark Allen (CDS), Thomas Boch (CDS), 
Tom Donaldson (STScI), Daniel Durand (CADC), Ken Ebisawa (JAXA), Laurent 
Michel (SSC-XMM), Jesus Salgado (ESAC), Felix Stoehr (ALMA).

As HiPS is already used by the community, a collection of HiPS, tools, 
servers, clients are already available on various places. A list of 
links to some of them is provided below which can illustrate the document.

  * Clients: Aladin Desktop
    <http://aladin.u-strasbg.fr/AladinDesktop/>,Aladin Lite
    <http://aladin.u-strasbg.fr/AladinLite/doc/> (and derived tools:
    Gaia in AL <http://cds.unistra.fr/Gaia/DR1/AL-visualisation.gml>,
    ESAsky <http://sky.esa.int/>, Skymap Viewer
    JUDO2 <http://darts.isas.jaxa.jp/astro/judo2/>, ADS all-Sky
    <http://www.adsass.org/aladin/>, MOPRA
    <http://hologhost.altervista.org/pointing/mopra.html>,...), MIZAR
    <http://sitools2.github.io/MIZAR/> (CNES), VAO portal (STScI).
  * Servers: Leiden, IRAP, SSC, CDS, AMIGA, svo.ba, IAS, ESAC, JAXA =>
    HiPS collection <http://aladin.u-strasbg.fr/hips/list> (~ 350 HiPS /
  * HiPS generators: Hipsgen
    <http://aladin.u-strasbg.fr/hips/HipsIn10Steps.gml>, Hipsgen-cat

The authors of this document have voluntarily tried to minimalize the 
potential impact of this HiPS evolution/standardization on these already 
existing HiPS components. The specifical HiPS PR evolutions are mainly 
related to the meta data description (Obscore vocabulary, IVOA registry 
declaration, ...): a transitional period should be easily manageable 
without requiring the full regeneration of HiPS data collection.

Questions, comments, feedback are welcome on the Apps mailing list.
*The RFC period will start the 15th of December 2016* (=> 

Best regards
Pierre Fernique

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