ADASS XXVI: deadline extension to 3 Aug

Fabio Pasian pasian at
Tue Aug 2 17:53:04 CEST 2016

Dear colleagues,
this is a final reminder: the *deadline *for early bird registration and 
submission of Tutorials and BoFs for the ADASS XXVI conference (16-20 
October 2016, is *3 August, midnight CEST*.
Best regards, Fabio

Fabio Pasian
INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste
Via G.B.Tiepolo 11 - I 34143 Trieste - ITALY
office: +39 040 3199180 ; mobile: +39 349 3587893
fax: +39 040 309418
skype: fabio.pasian
e-mail: pasian at

Il 29/07/2016 10:44, Fabio Pasian ha scritto:
> Dear colleagues,
> this is to announce  that the *deadlines *for early bird registration 
> and submission of Tutorials, BoFs and Posters for the ADASS XXVI 
> conference (16-20 October 2016, have 
> been extended to *3 August, midnight CEST*.
> You still have a couple of days to register at the early bird fee and 
> to submit Tutorials and BoFs.
> Late Posters will be accepted on a first-come-first-serve basis until 
> the display space is over, and in any case not after 15 September.
> The IVOA Interop will follow ADASS at the same venue (21-23 October 
> 2016,
> Looking forward to meeting you in Trieste.
> Fabio
> ---
> Fabio Pasian
> INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste
> Via G.B.Tiepolo 11 - I 34143 Trieste - ITALY
> office: +39 040 3199180 ; mobile: +39 349 3587893
> fax: +39 040 309418
> skype: fabio.pasian
> e-mail:pasian at
> ---

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