Call for Registry talks in Cape Town

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at
Wed Apr 6 09:40:11 CEST 2016

Dear VO members,

This is a call for contributions to the Registry WG sessions at
the IVOA Interop meeting next May in Cape Town, South Africa.

While any Registry-related material is welcome, we would particulary
invite contributions on:

* DOIs for VO services in general, and in particular the role
  Registry has in them
* Thoughts on a VOResource revision (we'll want one for DOIs, ORCIDs,
  and more)
* Registering data collections (e.g., tables in TAP services)
* Spatial searches in the registry
* Ongoing standards: TAPRegExt 1.1, Registry Interfaces 1.1,
  SimpleDALRegExt 1.1

Looking forward to your requests for talks (or perhaps topics),

    Markus Demleitner (chair)
    Theresa Dower (vice chair)

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