RFC for Spectral DM 2.0 (round 2)

CresitelloDittmar, Mark mdittmar at cfa.harvard.edu
Mon Sep 21 21:50:42 CEST 2015

Dear IVOA members,

The IVOA Data Model Working group announces the start of a new Request For
Comments (RFC) period for the IVOA Spectral DM (SpectralDM - Version 2.0).

The level of TCG feedback was sufficient to return the document to RFC for
general review.
The content of the document addresses the comments generated from the
previous RFC/TCG
review as presented at the Sesto interop.  It has not been updated to
include new capabilities or spectral types (eg: Echelle).  These will be
included in a future update which will also migrate the model to be
represented in terms of the Dataset and NDCube models currently in progress.

The new RFC page is located at:


The latest version of the document is available at:


The RFC period will run from  21 Sep 2015 - 16 Oct 2015.
Please make comments on the above RFC wiki page.


Mark Cresitello-Dittmar & Laurent Michel
Data Model Working Group Chair & Vice-Chair
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